WAA Boston Symposium - Registration Open
Monday, April 18, 2011
Location: The Westin Waltham Boston Hotel
Date: Monday, May 23, 2011
Time: 12:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Networking Reception: 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
View the Details and Register Now!
The Boston WAA Symposium is a half-day deep dive into the evolution of digital analytics as it evolves to focus not exclusively on a website but across multiple channels such as social media, mobile, offline, and to move toward advanced analytical concepts such as optimization, prediction, and automation.
The Boston WAA Symposium is a half-day deep dive into the evolution of digital analytics as it evolves to focus not exclusively on a website but across multiple channels such as social media, mobile, offline, and to move toward advanced analytical concepts such as optimization, prediction, and automation.
Expect to hear lessons learned, best practices, and new ideas that you can immediately take back to your offices from leaders in academia and business including skilled and experienced practitioners, consultants, and vendors.
You can view the full agenda online, below is a brief outline of sessions and presenters to wet your whistle:
- Keynote: Competing on Analytics: The New Science of Winning with Tom Davenport, President's Distinguished Professor, Babson College, Author
- Research Presentation with Suresh Vittel, Vice President, Practice Leader - Customer Intelligence, Forrester
- A Social Media Panel with John Lovett, member of WAA Board of Directors and Senior Partner, Web Analytics Demystified and other people
- Mobile Analytics Panel
- Enterpreneurs Panel with Eric Hansen, CEO and Founder, SiteSpect; Dennis Mortensen, CEO and Founder, VisualRevenue, COO and Co-Founder IndexTools (now Yahoo! Web Analytics); David Cancel, CEO and Founder, Performable, Compete, and other companies; Matt Cutler, CEO and Founders, like NetGenesis, 80108, and many more
- Announcement of the formation of a WAA Local Boston Chapter
- Reception in partnership with Boston WAW
The Boston Symposium is a great way for your company to be introduced to a wide spectrum of professionals in the analytics industry as the Symposium will bring together web analytics and business professionals from throughout the Boston area for a day of learning, professional development, and networking. Don't miss this opportunity to join the WAA in what will be an exciting evening in Boston.Interested in becoming a Sponsor? View the sponsorship opportunities and then contact Mike Levin, Executive Director to discuss further details or to sign on.