AT Internet launches ChannelOptimizer

Wednesday, December 08, 2010  

AT Internet launches ChannelOptimizerNX
Providing a single marketing dashboard for measurementand analytics for digital channels

Bordeaux, 2nd November 2010 – AT Internet, a leading International web, mobile and social mediaanalytics company is pleased to announce the release of its latest solution: ChannelOptimizerNX.

ChannelOptimizerNX measures the effectiveness and conversion of internet based traffic to predefinedgoals through multiple marketing channels. AT Internet, a long standing web analyticsspecialist, has long been able to measure the effectiveness of different marketing channels via itsAPI’s, allowing users to see results in their dashboard. Now however, users of the SaaS basedanalytics platform are able to define goals and monitor the effectiveness of up to 15 marketingchannels, over a period of 120 days. This provides insight to enable marketeers to optimisecampaign performance ‘on the fly’ and well as adapting future campaign strategies based onbehavioural evidence.

ChannelOptimizerNX allows marketeers to measure the precise contribution each channel is makingto its campaign or revenue goals. As well as facilitating campaign optimisation the product will alsomake for better strategic decision making in terms of which channels an organisation may choose toinvest in etc.

Mathieu Llorens, CEO for AT Internet explains that "ChannelOptimizerNX identifies revenue sourceswhich can be used to create adaptable multichannel strategies, thanks to the use of impartial salesattribution models. It [ChannelOptimizerNX] confirms AT Internet’s position as a trusted third party.”

The launch of ChannelOptimizerNX helps to overcome the multi-channel marketing problem of ‘lastchannel wins’. Where it has previously been difficult to assign the precise contribution a channelmay have made to the conversion process, the last channel may have been perceived as the mostsuccessful, even if in reality it had limited impact on the consumer.

ChannelOptimizerNX can be used in conjunction with AT Internet’s other modules or as a standaloneproduct. ChannelOptimizerNX is paid for monthly and is based on the clients traffic volumes.

About AT Internet
AT Internet is a leading independent Web and mobile analytics solution provider, established in 1995 and withoffices in 10 countries worldwide. AT Internet prides itself on its customer centric approach and is able to boast3,500 clients many of whom are widely recognised brands.

Currently measuring 350,000 Web sites, AT Internet has several awards and distinctions to its name includingthe 2009 Platinum Distinction for European Seal of E-Excellence 2009 awarded at CeBIT in Hannover, thesedistinctions underpin AT Internets core values of trust and integrity.

AT Internet offers a robust and reliable best of breed SaaS Web and mobile analytics platform and partnerswith industry leaders to offer a complete solution to enhance your marketing intelligence and

Press contactClaire Thatcher on behalf of AT Internet UKPhone: +44 7956 315 725Email: